CS: GO is online video gaming with different maps, and best grenade spots dust 2 is one of them. It is a most played game and free to play, and just a small amount is required to update it. You will face many opponents, so you should well know all the strategies to bring down enemies by using grenades at the best place. You can play matches in teams against opponents; two bomb sites are involved in best grenade spots dust 2.
Keep reading to know more about the five best grenade spots dust 2 and their details!
1. T Site
T Site is the first and best grenade spots dust 2. Make the smoke and look at the right door. Before you jump, make a jumping throw by shift. Now set a vision at the top. To make the terminal of suicide complete, make a flash at the top. The flash will highlight beyond the person who produced smoke. T achieving control, move you down.
2. Smoke X-Box from Spawn
The second best-considered grenade spot is Smoke X-Box from Spawn. Its name indicates that this level is about producing smoke. Make a classic visualization and its model, and move to the corner. Arrange the top of the map at the right side of the grenade where smoke was produced with the covered corner and make a jump there.
3. Smoke the Corner Flashover
Smoke the Corner Flashover is the third-best grenade spots dust 2 and is all about the smoke and bomb blast. Pass the small size wall and make it confirm that you are not far from it; you are close enough if you want to rush smoke corner flashover. Set your finger on the point and jump over. If they’re going to glance at the rush of smoke, they will get blind. Come to the corner and look at the top if you are late, make a fast run, and throw the second flash after coming to the top. The first flash will make anyone blind when it comes to contact, and the dual flash will make that person close to the door.
4. Smoke CT
Smoke CT is the fourth and is considered the best grenade spots dust 2. If you are ready for CTS around pistols or ready for long-time splits, never try to cross the smoke; otherwise, opponents will come, trap and kill you. Instead, fit yourself on the shadow and set you by making a perpendicular angle on the wall to run. Again, angle and your lineup are crucial here; any mistake will produce heavy smoke.
5. Smoke Cross
Smoke Cross is the fifth and best grenade spots dust 2. You are thinking of making smoke at the cross. This grenade site will help you to fulfil your target by making smoke. Smoke will release at the corner of the garbage that will disappear from the screen. So come to the corner, line up there to bounce, and produce smoke at this grenade spot. Read more about Walmart Xbox.
You were thinking of the best grenade spots dust 2 crucially in the start. Hopefully, you have come to know the best grenade spots to help you in the game. All the grenade spots have their significance and produce smoke at different steps, and a specific task is performed at a particular grenade site.