According to certain school thoughts, every crystal possesses a certain kind of energy. These crystals possess an energy that connects with your energy positively. These crystals have the quality to naturally direct, absorb, intensify and concentrate the energy within your body. Other things that create a peaceful environment like sage spray give you a very positive energy.
Following the research of the experts, we have made a list of the best stones that help you in relieving stress and increase calmness within you.
Amethyst Quartz
This stone has a very beautiful purple color. It is also known as the ‘intuitive eye’. It is very popular worldwide for a lot of things. It promotes clarity, and relaxation and
intensifies calmness within you. Also, it wards off negative energy. Moreover, it releases irritability and stress from you.
Furthermore, many people keep Amethyst Quartz in their bedrooms. The prime purpose for this is to fight insomnia and have a good sleep.
Blue Lace
Blue lace is one of the amazing stones that have the extraordinary power to heal anxiety. When a person lacks communication with others and tension increases. This stone helps incredibly in this situation and overcome anxiety.
Also, it is so beautiful and soothing that it gives you the most appealing sight. There are different ways to use this stone, they are:
- You can use this stone as a beautiful piece of jewelry.
- You can decorate your bedroom with this pretty stone in a raw or tumbled form. In this way, this stone will also give you positive energy and a soothing vibe in your bedroom
- You can also keep it in your office room to handle everything without frustration.
People also call this stone the ‘stone of peace ‘. Sodalite is very helpful for people who are extremely emotional and go through panic attacks too often. It gives them calmness and easiness.
Moreover, it also helps in boosting self-confidence and helps people in releasing anxiety and stress. You can also keep them in your pocket or wear them as a piece of jewelry to keep yourself calm and ward off your anxiety.
Angelite is also known as ‘angle stone ‘. The name of this stone is no different than the quality it possesses. This stone does not make you feel alone in this world.
When someone uses it as a touchstone, it helps in releasing frustration, and stress. Furthermore, it helps you cope with anger issues.
Undoubtedly, some crystals are very effective in promoting positive energy and realizing anxiety and stress. Also, some of them work in lessening the effects of evil eyes and the negative energy that surrounds you. Some people avoid using it because they are too afraid of its effects.
Besides, experts say that you can program your crystals according to your intentions. People clean the crystal in a burning sage by saying their intentions to the stone. This act will program the stone according to the intention you have stated.